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Flat Rolled Asphalt Torch Down

Estimate Inspection for Rolled Asphalt Roofing System

1 h
Free estimate
Location 1

Service Description

Removal of existing roofing and flashing membranes to the plywood deck surface and disposal of all waste which may arise Replacement of any damaged or deteriorated plywood decking at an additional cost per four foot by eight-foot sheet of plywood needed. Decking will be replaced in whole sheets only in accordance with recommendations by both the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and the American Plywood Association (APA). New decking shall be APA rated for structural use. Deck fastening will meet or exceed local building code requirements and H-clips will be used between all rafters. Replacement of following flashing materials: step flashings, collars, pipe jacks, perimeter drip edge material as needed. All materials to meet or exceed manufacturer's requirements and to be installed "hidden nail" fashion so that no "shiners" are present. Installation of one layer of #75lb Underlayment Felt as a base. Felt will be fastened using 1- inch metal-capped nails with a 1-inch diameter head. Fasteners shall be at 12-inch centers along the side and end laps and at 24-inch centers in two staggered rows in the center of the roll. Each center row will be approximately 12 inches from the side of the sheet. Installation of one layer of new Smooth torch down around perimeter. Installation of new Torch Down Cap Sheet (color to be chosen by client). Cap sheet will be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to run up 48 inches for proper flashing on torch to tile transitions. Paint all vent flashings, roof penetrations, and drip edge. Drip edge shall match fascia color. Color of roof penetrations and flashings to be chosen by the owner. Installation of manufacturers pre-made hip material. Hip and ridge rows will be run straight and shall be installed according to manufacturer's instructions.

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